Saturday, January 31, 2009

This week's to-do list

To do:
-read music cultures text pgs. 1-34
-return wrong conducting textbook to Bookstore
-return music cultures textbook to Aida's
-buy correct conducting textbook from Bookstore
-read conducting text pgs. 1-32 for quiz Monday
-send out email to ACDA student chapter
-make arrangements for coffe from 3(?) starbucks locations
-call "The Grand" catering for $15 for PSICA
-practice PST music
-buy and listen to Dena DeRose for quiz Tuesday
-practice Peter Quince for at piano to run sectionals
-decide whether to continue as President-elect of ACDA
-buy russian diction textbook from Bookstore
-buy/borrow Music and Film textbook (from?)
-ask Tyler's dad if he'll do Coffee House decor
-go to upper campus and meet Economics people
-call Maria and arrange music cultures textbook for Monday
-practice solo for church job tomorrow
-call Maybe message regrets for Super Bowl party
-look up audition requirements for Hollywood Sac auditions on Wednesday
-download/copy and print Corner of the Sky for audition
-practice Corner of the Sky with a piano
-refresh lines on Brighton Beach monologue if necessary
-look up costs of flights to Oklahoma City
-look up costs of hotels in Oklahoma City (Renaissance?)
-buy groceries for sandwiches to make during the week
-weigh option in taking out another loan
-donate blood on Monday/Wednesday?
-set up dentist cleaning appointment at Wong's
-fold laundry, clean up room, clean sheets
-buy a clothes hamper for closet
-return music to Judith's/Talberg's office
-see Christine during her office hours to listen to repertoire
-set deadlines for choosing senior recital repertoire
-call Whaley Park about being available to work there this summer
-remind Dr. Talberg of Wednesday's expected absences
-memorize musical theatre songs for Saturday's show
-resurrect the daily planner in the book tower
-rewrite resumé to include jazz choir experience
-ask for another print of headshot from Dokko
-return the picture portfolio to Dokko
-return white loafers to Seany Fitz
-return grey jacket to VJ
-return Bolts CD to L'Marco
-take bag of clothes to Salvation Army (/Buffalo Exchange?)
-figure out free night for dinner with the Talbergs
-give Steve and Bis their long overdue Christmas card
-return Christmas Oratorio score to Stan DeWitt
-file tax documents and paystubs in accordion folder

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I don't really think a review of 2008 is really necessary for me. I mean, great things have happened, but I'd much rather look forward to what the upcoming year holds. Hence:


1. More financial responsibility
While I often say things like "I can't; I'm poor," once the paycheck comes in, I feel like a rich man. I pay my rent and bills on time, but then spend rather recklessly. While I don't mind being poor, being able to maintain a savings account is probably a life lesson worth learning.

2. Workout plan
Cliché? You bet. But I actually do need it-- I feel like it's finally starting to catch up with me (not my waistline, but my mood, strength, and alertness). So I'll probably start out slow, eventually going to a real gym for the first time in my life... yikes.

3. Hikes/Nature-loving
I need to stop ignoring my love of the outdoors. California is a freaking gold mine of awesome hikes, so I really have no excuse. Anyone is welcome as a hiking buddy. Spontaneity always a plus.

4. More performance opportunities
Pay for said opportunities would be nice, too.

5. Classes I enjoy going to

6. Great wines

7. More Great American Music Exchanges

8. More drive to practice

9. Great new friends

10. Great old friends (and staying in touch)

I love you all, and have a happy, safe, and prosperous 2009.

Monday, March 10, 2008

look on the bright side

Admittedly, this is not something i do extremely often. However, in light of recent events, i feel that in order to not completely lose grip of everything dear to me, it is a necessity. So, let's review this past week.

I've been sick for about a week--lots of coughing, laryngitis and flu-ish stuff, but thank goodness for drugs. It's a blessing to know that i can always count on modern medicine, however ridiculous the cost.

Due to being sick, i've missed quite a bit of class this week, including voice lessons. Good thing i've got understanding professors.

CSULB Music Department is now the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music! This is definitely going to put Long Beach on the music world's map and i couldn't be more excited.

I was extremely privileged to sous an amazing meal on Saturday with Dr. Carnahan and Dokko. Course 1: 3 Lentil Salad with Truffle Oil and Pancetta Vinaigrette. Course 2: Gnocchi in a Saffron Vanilla Cream Sauce with Basil Foam and Roasted Peppers. Course 3: Braised Spare Ribs on Fried Pimento and Mascarpone Polenta Cakes with Spinach and Rosemary Oil. Dessert: Chocolate Éclairs ala Mrs. Talberg.

I've kept up with friends and family fairly well.

I still have a couple of months until my recital, so i have no reason to panic.

I sing with some incredibly talented people who continue to be accepted to amazing grad schools left and right.

I live in a furnished (thanks Erin!) apartment biking distance from an amazing university that i willingly attend.

My family loves and supports me in all my endeavors.

Looking at this list, i truly have no place to complain. I live life. And my goal in it is to love every fucking minute of it.